Meeting Date: April 28, 2024 Moderators: Tom & Suzanne Gallup (Andrew’s Mom & Dad)
7:15pm -7:30pm Login; Meeting starts promptly at 7:30pm and ends at 9:00pm (Eastern Time)
Welcome Newcomers – We’re glad you are here. We hope you find our group a collection of people with the intention to share our experience, strength and hope for making life a little more tolerable for those caring for a Brain Injury Survivor. Let’s try and keep our answers to the Focus Question to 5-7+/- minutes so everyone can have a chance to speak. If you would like to just listen, or Pass when called on and answer later, that’s fine.
Tonight’s Focus Question:
Fill in the blanks: I am proud of my Survivor for ________________________________
I am proud of myself for _____________________________________
I am most grateful to _______________ for ______________________
Note: If you would like to be matched with a more experienced Caregiver for questions/support, please contact Lisa Dorr who leads our Caregiver Connections Program ([email protected]).
- Our next Meeting will be May 12, 2024. Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each Month 7:15pm – 7:30pm (Eastern Time) Login. The meetings will start promptly at 7:30pm and end at 9:00pm (Eastern Time).
- Website Reminder: Our Website address is
- Moderators Tom and Suzanne Gallup (Andrew’s Parents) can be reached at 301-502-8420
- Please Note: By attending and participating in the Brain Injury Caregiver Support Group, participants must agree to abide by the Guidelines established by the group – especially the confidentiality guidelines.