The Brain Injury Caregiver Support Group meets using Zoom Room internet conferencing application. It is easy to login by home computer, smart phone or regular cell phone (without video) and connect with people who are looking for answers about brain injury caregiving.
We are a source of education, idea sharing, and encouragement to those who need understanding, information, and a shoulder to lean on while coping with the consequences of providing for a brain injured loved one. You are personally invited to come and join us.
Many Brain Injury patients have mild and moderate injuries that have their own unique challenges. And there is a very small group of BI survivors that had severe brain injuries and have not experienced dramatic improvement - including those who remain in a minimally conscious state. Many of these patients are cared for in institutional settings. And some are cared for in the home of their families. Such non-institutional care requires unique skills and determination. Our group seeks to provide education and support to all caregivers of BI survivors - especially those with moderate to severe injuries.
Mentors can be very helpful to new Caregivers to a Brain Injury Survivor - especially in the early phases of their Survivor's injury. For more information about pairing with someone who has been through the Brain Injury rehabilitation process, please contact our Moderator Tom Gallup: [email protected]